Nov. 25, 2020

S1E2: Mike Doherty

S1E2: Mike Doherty

Like many a man before him, Michael Doherty left his home in Ireland, and followed his brother to New York, in search of a steady wage.  What he hadn't figured on was the big down payment he'd have to pay to America soon after arriving in New York, to prove his commitment to his new country.  Within months of his arrival, Mike was drafted by the US military and packed off to Vietnam, where he served his tour of duty as a medic.  Almost a year later, with war behind him, he finally embarked on his American life, working hard and making lifelong friends every step of the way.  In time, he met the love of his life, his wife Kathleen.  A born storyteller, Mike's life has been full of adventure. And it hasn't always been easy; there was a life threatening illness and then, this year, the isolation of COVID. But Mike, with his signature chuckle and his ever-present cap, is a survivor and a winner, with lots of adventures left in him.  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @CenterPieceNY or visit us at  Be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. And thanks to Purple Planet for the music!!